Travel for Future!?
Generation Z poses inconvenient questions and expects clear answers – also from the tourism sector

“Generation Z“ expects clear positions. There are many synonyms for the vehemence behind their demands: climate change, feeling guilty when flying, plastic waste, dwindling biological diversity, or purblind nationalism. The issues are not new, but convincing answers in daily politics remain rare.
We finally needed a Swedish schoolgirl to take the concerns of children and youths to the streets and voice them out loudly – adolescents could never be blamed for a lack of interest in politics. Climate, justice, future first is written on their Fridays-for-Future banners.
This protest must be understood as a signal – also for the tourism sector. To remain stumped and stuck would mean to close our eyes to the fact that millions of holiday trips are not without consequences for the climate and for social stability and cohesion. Greta, Rezo, or Luisa are everywhere – and they are also the travellers of tomorrow…
In the 25th year of its existence, with its 25th Ammerlander Talks the Institute for Tourism and Development attempts the endeavour of a balanced discussion on the aspects of travel that encourage understanding and a sense of community on the one hand, and on the ecological, economic or social impacts of boundless tourism flows on the other hand.

Andreas Stopp, Journalist, Deutschlandfunk

Speakers and Statements
MdL Christian Zwanziger
Climate crisis, joy of travelling & changing lifestyles – What implications do these have for tourism (policies)?
Jan Flörcken
Analogue experiences - digital communication – Destination youth travel
Axel Dammler
What if they are really serious…? – Youths between Fridays for Future and places they long to visit
Markus Achatz
Travel to happiness? – Youth hostels and the travellers of tomorrow